domingo, 16 de outubro de 2011

Demons of the Flesh - Nikolas Schreck

This groundbreaking, comprehensive, exhaustively researched, and well-written study goes much further than any other book I've ever read on this subject in providing accurate practical knowledge on the totally misunderstood area of Left Hand Path initiation and sex magick. Its promise to be the 'Complete Guide' to this area is more than fulfilled in its 400 pages of insightful text.

The Schrecks draw on decades of real life experience in making the mystery that surrounds this sinister subject clear. After an introductory 'Foreplay' that sets the Schreck's irreverent and iconoclastic tone, the book is divided into 3 sections. Book One, The Sinister Current in the East, explains how the Left Hand Path began in the tantric practices of India, revealing the most radical methods of erotic magic that are so commonly distorted by politically correct New Age forms of tantra in the West. The Schreck's 5 point explanation of the essential principles of the Left Hand Path is the most accurate and useful attempt at describing the basic defining methods of this kind of spirituality I've ever seen, admirably sticking to historical fact instead of the occult gameplaying you find so much of in magical books.

Book Two, The Sinister Current in the West, starts out with a practical glossary of magical terms, and gets into such previously ignored topics as the possibility that Jesus Christ was a Left Hand Path sex magician, the topic of sacred prostitution and the cult of Babylon. The Schrecks cover the Left Hand Path sexual teachings of such well-known magical teachers and groups ...

Book Three, The Sinister Current In Action, guides the reader through such topics as magical masturbation, sexual deprogramming, the selection of sex partners for magical purposes, homosexuality in the Left Hand Path, orgies, sadomasoschism, and even intercourse with incubi and succubi. The use of this section extends beyond sex magic alone and works as a practical primer for magical theory in general. This section moves far from the old traditions of occultism, citing ... eclectic sources ... and drawing on scientific sexology as well as more mystical resources.

The Schreck's lead us through the history, theory and practice of Left Hand Path sex magic with a refreshing sense of humor and a skeptical critique of the gullibility of occultism in general. What also makes this different than any other book on the topic I've read is the authors scholarly research and concentration on exploding the many myths and errors that previous books claiming to illuminate the Left Hand Path have helped to spread.

The book is enlivened by many rare illustrations, some of which I've never seen before. Highly recommended.


Dark Moon Rising: Pagan BDSM and the Ordeal Path - Raven Kaldera

This is not an introductory text on paganism, or on S&M, nor is it a how-to guide, as evidenced by the fact that the contributors stay well away from the rough waters of defining BDSM in favor of sounding the depths of personal experience and spiritual context. The difficult and necessary work of guiding beginners through the rocky shallows is done well by others, and nearly everyone who wonders "How can I blend my BDSM practice with my pagan spirituality?" will have read and/or thought enough to understand what constitutes their own pagan spirituality and their own BDSM practice.

Instead the contributors discuss frankly their perspectives on reasons for engaging in pagan BDSM, their own experiences, and rituals incorporating pagan spirituality and pain play and restraint. There is a level of honesty here which I think is missing from other books about pagan spirituality, a willingness to engage in confrontation with the animalistic desires all humans have, and which for some manifest as sexual desires to dominate or to be dominated, to give or to receive pain. Although it would be unfair to dismiss all that is bright, light, or joyful as shallow and unimportant, it can easily become superficial without also acknowledging the importance of those aspects of spirituality that really grapple with the truths that the world is often painful and nature requires death, without trying to erase these truths or encourage people to divorce themselves from experiencing them fully. For some, the way into a profound awareness and acceptance of these truths is through willingly accepting pain, restriction, and service to another. If you are one of these, this book is one of only a very few offerings that actually address this perspective.


I Still Worship Zeus - Jamil Said

I still Worship Zeus is a cautionary study in the problems of living in a theocracy. 98% of Greece's population is Greek Orthodox Christian. 1.3% is Muslim, and the remaining 0.7% is in the "other" category. "Other" in Greece reaches back through the millenia to include tens of thousands who still worship the 12 Gods of antiquity - the Dodecatheon.

Worship of the Old Gods is illegal in Greece. Greek Pagans aren't even permitted to have private gatherings in their homes. The Christian majority actively supresses the traditional sect, which is fighting for the right to simply worship according to their own conscience. At a time when similar forces threaten to take over the American government, this is a chilling representation of what happens when one's most personal choices are subject to government interference.

Imagine for a minute that the primarily Protestant sect that holds sway in America gains absolute power. They don't approve of Catholicism; they don't approve of Judaism; they actively oppress Islam and they've already sworn to drive Paganism out of America. In a democracy without established civil liberties, the majority rules. How would you feel if you were told that your own spiritual connection was in violation of national law? What happens if YOU become the minority when no legal protection of human rights exists?

This film has an intimate feel, as we are included in individual conversations about personal faith and participate in the beauty and charm of ritual that reaches back to the birth of Western culture. It's heavy on subtitles if you don't speak Greek, but you still feel connected to the struggle of the Pagans interviewed. We hear the sincerity in their voices as they describe their personal connections to the twelve deities. As we follow a consultation with the Oracle of Delphi, a profound sadness that this ancient practice - so much a part of Greek history and sensibility - isn't embraced and encouraged among the people.

They were here first. They are still with us. They deserve the freedom to honor their traditions and their revelations as freely and openly as any other citizen.


Khaos For None and All - DKMU


The Luciferian Path: the Witches Sabbat - Michael Ford


Luciferian Sorcery and Set Typhon - Michael Ford


The Witch Cult of Zos vel Thanatos - Michael Ford


terça-feira, 11 de outubro de 2011

Seidr Seid Sol Iss Burs And Nordic Shamanism - Yves Kodratoff

The first part is personal, and it exposes my practice of seidr, by comparing it several times to the one coming from Diana Paxsons group and in Jordsvins papers. I thus recommend to read at first these papers before  mine. The second part explains and supports my own practice of seidr, but the facts it contains are  independent of any belief. It is subdivided in two sections. The first is a rather scholarly description of the linguistic problems involved with the word seidr in Old Norse, the ancient Norwegian, (and Icelandic, Danish, Swedish) language, used in the sagas and the Eddic and Skaldic poems.

The second is an annotated presentation of the runic inscriptions referring or alluding to seidr.
(Yves Kodratoff)


Ogdoadic Magick: Being a Year of Study with an Aurum Solis Commandery - Norman R. Kraft

About the Ogdoadic Tradition:

The Ogdoadic Tradition is an important esoteric current forming an influential part of the mainstream Western Mystery Tradition. The term “Ogdoadic” implies “pertaining to the number eight”, which connotation denotes the essentially Hermetic nature of the current. In like manner, the primary symbol of the Tradition is the Eight-pointed Star of Regeneration, an emblem representing the Regeneration of the Soul and Divine Inspiration. The Ogdoadic Tradition came into being when the Ancient Mystery Schools of Antiquity, born of the Egyptian and Chaldean religions, were combined with the Hellenistic Mysteries and Philosophy. The founders of the Tradition were masters of the Platonic and Neoplatonic schools who had been initiated into these Mysteries and received the keys to the practice of Theurgy. Its father-figure, according to initiates, is the celebrated Hermes Trismegistus. The heart of the Ogdoadic Tradition is what Plato, Iamblichus, Proclus, and other masters have described as “the sacred way of return”. The Tradition itself has been passed on via a line of transmission referred to as the “Golden Chain” (i.e., Chain of Adepts) through which it has been preserved up to the present.


Phil Hine - An Introduction to Banishing Rituals

If I had a £1 for every person I've met over the years who's said, "oh I don't bother with banishing rituals" - and
then wondered why they started to have problems with their magic - I'd probably have, er..well enough money for a meal in a decent London restaurant. A Banishing Ritual is one of the first practical exercises that you should learn in magic (in my view, anyway), and by doing so, you can save yourself a lot of trouble later on.
Banishing is also known as Centering, which in many respects, is a more accurate term for the exercise.

So what is a Banishing Ritual?


Tantrum Magick - Phil Hine

The following is the notes for a workshop which was held at the London Ananke conference of
Global Ritualism and Magick on the 10th April, 1999.

This workshop demonstrates some ideas which have recently come up in the work of the
Ganna Chakra – the Tantric magical group that I work in.

Basically, it starts from two related premises:

That gods & goddesses – and by extension – Guru-figures – don’t always behave in the
ways that we might expect them to, and The Ganas – the horde of hobgoblins, spooks and spirits who accompany Shiva.
There seems to me to be a general perception that ‘spiritually advanced’ beings – or if you like, people who are ‘making progress’ in their magical development - have somehow ‘conquered’ their egos – so that they appear calm, placid, and not given to outbursts of temper, irrational behaviour – that they have ‘overcome’ their passions – or have worked with them to the extent that they can ‘control’ or ‘subdue’ them – at least in public or everyday social situations.


Magical Use Of Voice - Phil Hine


On Cursing - Phil Hine

Phil Hine - A presentation made at UKAOS 1992

People tend to view Cursing in the same way that they view masturbation. There's a hell of a lot of it goes on, but most people aren't going to admit to it, much less that they're any good at it, or have made a careful study of it. Another common factor between the two practices is that those individuals who come to rely too heavily on either, are generally awarded the same appellation

.... Wankers!

But what, after all, constitutes a Curse?

This (2 fingers) is a curse - meaning, 'may your wife be unfaithful to you'.
"Fuck Off and Die" - a curse
"Have you heard about so & so - they've got AIDS" - a very powerful curse indeed.

In popular Occultism, Cursing is pretty definitely seen as 'Black Magick', except of course when you can justify your reasons for doing it - like the Wiccans who once attempted to Magically attack me because I was plugging 'the Left-Hand Way' in Pagan News


Ovenready Chaos - Phil Hine

What is Magick? Several definitions float into my mind, but none of them do it full justice. The world is magical; we might get a sense of this after climbing a mountain and looking down upon the landscape below, or in the quiet satisfaction at the end of one of ‘those days’ when everything has gone right for us. Magick is a doorway through which we step into mystery, wildness, and immanence.

We live in a world subject to extensive and seemingly, all embracing systems of social & personal control that continually feed us the lie that we are each alone, helpless, and powerless to effect change. Magick is about change. Changing your circumstances so that you strive to live according to a developing sense of personal responsibility; that you can effect change around you if you choose; that we are not helpless cogs in some clockwork universe. All acts of personal/collective liberation are magical acts. Magick leads us into exhiliration and ecstacy; into insight and understanding; into changing ourselves and the world in which we participate.

Through magick we may come to explore the possibilities of freedom.


Permutations - Phil Hine

Permutations is a collection of four essays which I feel throws up different perspectives - a ‘window’ if you like - into the diverse forces & feelings which have shaped my approach to magical work and concepts. Readers will discern a strong autobiographical element within these pages. This is a deliberate style, as I have found that the act of unveiling how magic has affected me personally, is a key to communicating the often
abstract ideas which relate to the ‘hidden’ faces of magic - which are often difficult to carry across in bite-sized chunks.
Simply saying “this is how such-and-such should be done” and leaving it at that - is not an approach which works for me. The magical power of ‘concealment’ is well-known. The power of revealing oneself, warts ‘n’ all, is less well-attested.

These four essays reflect different areas of my magical work which I have found, for various reasons, to be at times, problematic. Writing is for me, both an earthing and an exorcism. This collection is not quite ‘practical’ in the same way that my other books are, but nonetheless, I feel that the reader may find some useful points herein, which cross all boundaries of magical activity.


Counting Coup - Phil Hine

The growth of Chaos Magic has seen a rise of interest inactively researching into Magical Combat techniques and theory. However, I am not proposing that people take out their frustrations on each other (for slights imagined and otherwise) to a deadly extent, but to propose that Magical Combat can be used as a training exercise.
True instances of Magical Combat are rare indeed. In fifteen years of active magical practice I have only been attacked by other magicians three times - and in each instance, was able to do something about it. I daresay there have been more attempts, but seeing as I haven't noticed them, they've either been extremely subtle or, as is more likely, have failed utterly.


Cacodemonic Copulations - Phil Hine

The subject of Incubi and Succubi and their visitations is rarely dealt with by modern magical writers, although they have been used time and time again by various hacks of the horror genre. Sex-Demons have been banished - either explained away as hallucination or junked as a product of Christian mastubatory mythos. Any occultists this side of the twentieth-century that do mention them, usually do so in the context of
warning against traffick with such entities, believing that the dangers of loss of vitality or obsession is the inevitable result.


The Pseudonomicon - Phil Hine


Psychedelic Shamanism: The Cultivation, Preparation, and Shamanic Use of Psychotropic Plants - Jim DeKorne


Things You Don't Want to Hear a Chaos Magician Say

Ahhh what the Hell?
Why not posting here some jokes? :)
This is funny!

"Things You Don't Want to Hear a Chaos Magician Say"
By Node Fizzgig and Friends

* With some slight modification I can make it better.
* Anyone seen that talisman of mine? I seem to have misplaced it.
* Parsons was a wanker--- Watch this!
* Now it's time for the triple invocation of Loki, Coyote, and Baphomet.
* Help!
* What you don't know can't hurt you, right?
* Don't worry, everything's under control.
* I know what I'm doing.
* Trust me.
* Hastur, Hastur, Hast---
* Oops
* No, I planned this, honest!
* I'm glad you asked...
* But the theory is sound.
* Yeah, but you should see the other guy.
* But if it's already dead, how can it be a sacrifice?
* Now if only I had some bungee cords.
* Then Cthulu showed up.
* I really wish I had some chalk right about now.
* Everybody needs a hobby, right?

Portable Magic: Tarot Is the Only Tool You Need - Donald Tyson


Familiar Spirits: A Unique System of Power Glyphs - Donald Tyson


domingo, 9 de outubro de 2011

Bitter Venoms: The Magical Worlds of William Burroughs - Phil Hine


I first encountered the writings of William Burroughs at the age of fifteen when a friend at school lent me a copy of Exterminator. The book opened up avenues of experience ("kicks") that I had only half-suspected were possible: the twilight worlds of drugs, astronauts, wild boys and twisted visions. I read Burroughs avidly, twisting his worlds together with my own half- formed visions and fantasies. at first merely flashing out my daydreams with his landscapes, and later entering into them.
I’m greatly indebted to Burroughs writing for enabling me to discover the "nightmare culture" of sexuality, drugs and magick. Though I was first turned on to magick through the drawings of Austin Osman Spare, I realised that it was the work of Burroughs that awoke in me the desire to visit alien landscapes, and
cross into the various "zones" forbidden by society in general. Anyhow, enough of this preample. This is the first in a series of articles looking at some of the magical themes which crop up throughout the writings of William Burroughs.

Phil Hine
"Bitter Venoms", in A Taste of Things to Come, Revelations 23 Press, 1991


Grant Morrison - Disinfo Con Lecture (.AVI Torrent)

Grant Morrison "dumbs down" Magick like no other person i've come across. He's a Comic Book Artist, the creator of The Invisibles, and he's pretty much the guy that people bring in to save stale comics, but that's just his occupation - his mind, his manner, and his way of stripping the bullshit is just amazing.

Down Torrent

Squeezing Being - A Modern Approach to Reality Manipulation - Stephen Mace


Seizing Power: Reclaiming Our Liberty Through Magick - Stephen Mace


Sorcery as Virtual Mechanics - Stephen Mace


Stealing the Fire From Heaven - Stephen Mace


Taking Power: Claiming Our Divinity Through Magick - Stephen Mace


The Camel Rides Again: A Primer in Magick - Alan Chapman


Visual Magick: A Manual of Freestyle Shamanism - Jan Fries


sábado, 8 de outubro de 2011

Seidways: Shaking, Swaying and Serpent Mysteries - Jan Fries


The Book Of Lies: The Disinformation Guide to Magick and the Occult - Richard Metzger


Qabalah for the Rest of Us - Lon Milo Duquette [DVD]


Magic Squares and Tree of Life: Western Mandalas of Power - Nineveh Shadrach


Angels, Demons & Gods of the New Millennium: Musings on Modern Magick - Lon Milo Duquette


Seidr Magic - Ed Richardson

Of all the reconstructed systems of archaic magickal practice, Seidr seems to be one of the most misunderstood. This is partly because of its sinister reputation, and partly because of sexist notions that only women ever practised divination. All too often Seidr is mistaken for the craft of the Volva, where in reality (if such a notion is useful) the Volvas were only part of a far wider practice. In order to make sense of the collection of beliefs and practices which make up Seidr, some definitions shall be considered, followed by a look at some of the practices involved and their implications. This whole essay shall illustrate examples found in the myths of Northern Europe.

Seidr literally means 'seething' or 'boiling' and has much in common with shamanism and other forms of primitive magick. Indeed it is highly likely that Seidr is an adaptation of shamanic practices to suit the culture and times, when primitive society evolved discovering religion, agriculture and metallurgy. However, Seidr is not a religious practice; it is a magickal practice which is where some of its sinister reputation originates. Jan Fries explains that the Seidr magickians would sell their craft, which makes them something akin to occult mercenaries. Its use is always pragmatic and is reflected as such in the myths. The myths play a vital role in understanding Northern magick as they show how the Aesir, Vanir, Giants and Humanity used magick to deal with problems, hinting at techniques that may be useful today.


Khaos Magick & Urban Shamanism - Domus Kaotica (DKMU)


The Book of Results - Ray Sherwin


Basic Sigil Magic - Phillip Cooper


The Chicken Qabalah of Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford: Dilettante's Guide to What You Do and Do Not Need to Know to Become a Qabalist - Lon Milo Duquette


Memetic Magic: Manipulation of the Root Social Matrix and the Fabric of Reality - Kirk Packwood


Sex Magic, Tantra & Tarot: The Way of the Secret Lover - Lon Milo DuQuette / Christopher S. Hyatt


The Nature of Magic: An Anthropology of Consciousness - Susan Greenwood


Mysticism Examined: Philosophical Inquiries into Mysticism - Richard H Jones


Low Magick: It's All In Your Head ... You Just Have No Idea How Big Your Head Is - Lon Milo DuQuette


Psybermagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magick - Peter Carroll


The Paradigmal Pirate - Joshua Wetzel


The Roots of Modern Magick - Allen H. Greenfield


The Dark Side of the Moon - Basil Lacroix Aka Basil Crouch
